
australia group中文是什么意思

  • 澳大利亚集团



  • 例句与用法
  • Aunz property investment australia group co
  • The mtcr , nuclear suppliers group ( nsg ) and australia group all have " no undercut " policies in place
    导弹技术控制制度、核供应国集团( nsg ) 、澳大利亚集团都制定了“不干扰”的政策。
  • Now , we need to expand membership and refine the multilateral export control efforts in the zangger committee , the nuclear suppliers group , the australia group , and the mtcr
  • The penalties will remain in effect until january 15 , 2004 . the penalties were imposed on the chinese entities for the transfer to iran since january 1 , 1999 , of sensitive equipment and technology controlled by the australia group ( ag )
    对中国有关实体实行制裁是因为他们自1999年1月1日以来向伊朗转让了受到“澳大利亚集团” ( ag )管制的敏感设备和技术。
  • We will continue to evaluate whether subsequent interactions between chinese and iranian entities are consistent with the chinese " no new nuclear cooperation " pledge . with regard to chemical and biological weapons , china is a party to the biological weapons convention and the chemical weapons convention . but china s chemical - related export controls are not yet up to the australia group standard and only cover 10 of the 20 australia group - listed items not also on the cwc schedules
    在化学和生物武器方面,中国参加了《禁止生物武器公约》和《禁止化学武器公约》 。但是,中国有关化学武器的出口管制尚未达到澳大利亚集团的标准,只涵盖澳大利亚集团清单上不包括在《禁止生物武器公约》清单中的20个物项中的10项。
  • The australia group ( ag ) was established in 1985 as an informal forum for like - minded countries places to exchange information and to harmonise export control measures on chemical weapon ( cw ) precursors . its scope was later extended to include controls on chemical production equipment and technology that could be used for chemical weapons purposes
  • Insurance australia group is the largest general insurance group in australia and new zealand . it provides personal and commercial insurance products under some of the most well known brands in australasia . core lines of business include home insurance , motor vehicle insurance , commercial insurance , consumer credit insurance , compulsory third party insurance and workers compensation insurance
    Insurance australia group ( iag )是澳洲及新西兰最大的一般保险集团,在澳大利西亚地区以多个著名的商标提供个人及商业保险服务,包括家居保险、汽车保险、商业保险、消费者信用保险、强制性第三者保险及劳工保险等。
  • 百科解释
The Australia Group is an informal group of countries (now joined by the European Commission) established in 1985 (after the use of chemical weapons by Iraq in 1984) to help member countries to identify those of their exports which need to be controlled so as not to contribute to the spread of chemical and biological weapons .
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